
2016년 2월 14일 일요일

Setting up a collaboration server with open source tools


In this document I present a practical set of open source tools that can be used to set up a collaboration server for software development teams.

With software tools that help efficient collaboration and manage workflows systematically with low overhead, you are able to ...

  • Share all the issues and progresses of work.
  • Participate in the activities to analyze problems and find out solutions.
  • Understand the software state.

These benefits will help members reach a consensus to make decisions on the readiness of their software releases at various stages.

Open source tools

When the operating system has already been installed, the installation of all the other tools can be completed in one day.
  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • AMP - Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python
  • postfix - SMTP server/client which enables software tools to send emails.
  • Open JDK
  • Git - Version control system
  • Redmine - Project management tool
  • Bugzilla - Issue tracking
  • Gerrit - Git repository server and code review tool
  • Gitblit - Git repository viewer
  • Jenkins - Continuous integration and build automation

Service URLs

If the Apache HTTP server is used to work as a web server in the type of reverse proxy, it is possible to configure the service URLs like the following:
  • Redmine - http://<server>/redmine
  • Bugzilla - http://<server>/bugzilla
  • Gerrit - http://<server>/gerrit
  • Gitblit - http://<server>/gitblit
  • Jenkins - http://<server>/jenkins

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